
Struggling To Give Up Your Smartphone At Night?

Struggling To Give Up Your Smartphone At Night?

Do you ever find yourself struggling to give up your smartphone at night, just before bed, and then having trouble getting up the following day?

You're not alone. With everyone having a smartphone in their pocket, it's easy to get stuck on social media and websites all night.

The issue is that looking at our phones right before sleep messes with our circadian rhythms and causes us to wake up feeling drained and disoriented.

If this sounds like you and you’re looking for better sleep habits, keep reading to learn ways to soothe your mind at night.

Build A Bedtime Routine

Taking control of your sleep routine is a good way to set yourself up for success. Establishing a bedtime routine is essential to benefit your mental and physical well-being. A consistent night-time ritual (such as reading, taking a warm bath, or journaling) can signal the body to start winding down for restorative sleep.

If you're struggling to give up your smartphone at night, remember that scrolling through social media or watching tv keeps the brain active when it should be slowing down. By forming these healthy habits, you're teaching yourself how to prioritize your daily activity and designate time for calming down and getting the restorative sleep you deserve.

Create The Right Bedroom Environment

Creating the right bedroom environment is one of the essential habits if you're struggling to give up your smartphone at night. Keeping the room cool and dark is crucial because it helps create an atmosphere that relaxes our mind and body, conducive to deep sleep. A cool temperature lowers your body temperature, which aids in falling asleep quickly and having a good quality sleep throughout the night.

Additionally, darkness helps push out any distractions from light sources, such as electronic devices or street lights, that can disrupt our natural sleeping
patterns and impede on achieving an optimal sleeping schedule. By embracing healthy bedroom practices like keeping it cool and dark, you’ll get better rest at nighttime, leaving you refreshed in the day ahead.

Get Plenty Of Exercise

Getting plenty of exercise can have numerous benefits for your health and well-being when trying to wind down in the evening. It's essential to take the time to get active during the day, as regular exercise is linked with better quality sleep, improved mood, increased energy levels, and greater mental clarity.

Exercise gives your body a much-needed break from sitting or lying in bed all day which can build up stress hormones that disturb sleep. Also, physical activity has been linked with reduced nighttime eating and fewer unhealthy snacks or
calories late in the evening. All that combined, getting plenty of exercise throughout the day can work wonders for your ability to fall asleep comfortably, especially if you're struggling to give up your smartphone at night.

Spend Time Outside During The Day And Avoid Blue Light At Night

Another healthy habit is spending time outdoors during the day and avoiding blue light at night. This simple action can dramatically improve our sleep hygiene for two key reasons:

Natural sunlight exposure helps regulate our circadian rhythm, helping us to feel alert and awake during daytime hours and sleepy when it's time for bed.
The blue light emitted from screens can delay our release of melatonin into the body. Melatonin helps keep us asleep throughout the night because it initiates drowsiness and stabilizes our natural sleeping and waking patterns.

We can easily enhance our nighttime rest by getting sufficient daylight exposure during daytime hours and avoiding blue light after dark.

Read A Good Book

One of the best ways to incorporate healthy sleep habits into our routine if you're struggling to give up your smartphone at night is to read from a book instead. The blue light from phone and computer screens can interfere with our natural rhythms, sending us mixed signals when we should feel energized or relaxed.

Reading a book before sleeping can remind our brains that night-time means wind-down mode, allowing us to drift off into a restful slumber calmly. Additionally, reading words on a page rather than scrolling through them stimulates different brain areas than those used while swiping through an app. In
doing so, we give ourselves some "mindful" moments, increasing our creativity and reducing stress.

Avoid Caffeine And Alcohol Before Bed

If you're struggling to give up your smartphone at night, avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening is a great way to ensure you drift off into restful serenity at bedtime. Caffeine and alcohol are known to interrupt deep-cycle sleep and prevent us from getting the relaxing rest that our bodies need to be at their best the next day.

Plus, your body needs time to recover from all of your daily activities, and this can only happen if we give it time to relax without stimulants or depressants taking away from it. So taking the time to avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed can improve your overall health regarding getting restful sleep- something that we could all use more of.

Take A Supplement That Promotes Relaxation

A relaxation supplement like SeroLastin is one of the best ways to promote healthy sleep habits. SeroLastin contain natural ingredients such as serotonin, Vitamin B6, Folate, B12, saffron, Ashwagandha, and Alpinia galanga
root. Not only do these ingredients help you relax, but they can also work together to boost your overall well-being and reduce stress.

Try incorporating these all-natural ingredients into your nighttime routine to experience improved sleep quality while also cutting back on scrolling through your phone at night. It won’t take long before you feel the benefits.

Follow These Tips For Better Sleep

A healthy sleep routine is essential for both mental and physical health, and taking the steps outlined in this article can help you get the rest you need to feel your best. Follow these tips, and you’ll sleep better in no time. Say goodbye to long nights scrolling through your phone and hello to peaceful, restful slumbers that leave you feeling refreshed.

Establishing a healthy sleep routine takes diligent effort and consistency—but it’s worth it. If you make changes steadily, good sleep hygiene will become second nature over time. You won't just be sleeping better and maximizing your energy level; you'll also support your well-being in other ways. Set yourself up for success by incorporating these healthy sleep habits into your life today.

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